Infants & new mums
Breastmilk is the bespoke food for a human infant. Breastfeeding ensures all the infants’ nutrient needs are met, encourages optimum infant development, facilitates mother and child bonding, and protects the infants’ and mothers’ health in the short and long term.
In order to protect breastfeeding and support families who use formula it is important that all those who offer advice to families have accurate and unbiased information about infant feeding, including clear information about infant formula. You can find all our independent resources on infant milks here.
Below you can find information and advice on eating well for new mothers, particularly those who are breastfeeding, and information and practical advice on introducing solid foods to babies, with recipes and photos to show the sorts of foods, and amounts of foods, that will give them a good start to their eating journey. On this webpage you can also find our eating well guide for vegan infants and under 5s, a recipe book with simple, cost-effective ideas for the whole family and a poster which provides a simple guide to eating well for infants.