First Steps Nutrition Trust produces a number of practical photographic eating well resources relevant to eating well in pregnancy, as a new mum and for infants and young children. These downloadable guides can be found in the Eating Well resources section.
If you are interested in our report on the safe preparation of infant formula or reports which review claims made for infant milks, these can be found in our Infant Milks section.
If you are interested in reports on foods and drinks marketed for infants and young children or work on additives (artificial sweeteners, colours and flavourings) then reports relating to this can be found in the Children’s food section of the website.
You may also be interested in reports we have prepared for the Baby Feeding Law Group, and you can find these here: Baby Feeding Law Group UK (
For all other reports, please see below and click on the covers to read and/or download each.
The infographics below have been designed to provide a one page, easy-to-digest summary of some of our key messages and advocacy asks.
Click on the images to download, print, or share. And see relevant resources below each infographic for more detailed information.
Consultation responses
Eating Well Resources