
Eating well: vegan infants and under-5s

Eating well is essential for children in their early years. There is clear evidence that the first 1000 days of life (the 9 months of pregnancy and the first 2 years of life) are particularly critical for ensuring healthy growth and development and to ensure all children meet their full potential. It is also important that children 2-5 years eat well to establish good eating patterns, to protect their teeth and to ensure they arrive in school at a healthy body weight and with a good and varied appetite. 

Families who choose a vegan diet may wish to bring their children up as vegans from birth, and it is important that all those that support families with infants and children on a vegan diet have clear, expert information on how to ensure energy and nutrient needs are met. The new practical photographic resource, Eating well for vegan infants and under-5s, provides information, recipes and portion size information for early years settings as well as practical advice relevant to all infants and children on eating well.

This updated report is designed for Early Years settings and for health professionals who support families in the community. It provides information on how to support vegan infants and children to eat well.

It contains practical advice, recipes and photos of portion sizes appropriate for different age groups. It also contains information on milk alternatives, cooking and ingredient tips for cooking for vegan children and useful sources of additional information

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